Kapaun Basketball
1956-57 and 1957-58

Pictures thanks to Jerry Aaron

1967-57 record 14 wins, 6 losses
1957-58 record 17 wins, 3 losses

Love, Shellenberger, Robinson, Dugan
Boyd, Hurley, Lewis
Robinson and Zyskowski - against North
Lewis and Robinson - East High's Jerry Gardner on right
Kapaun vs North Program

FROM THE 1958 YEARBOOK: Crusaders visited North for a contest to remember. To be behind with six seconds left, in the heyday of delayed ball and stall, is not usually very hopefull. But Jerry Boyd stole the leather in North's front court, Kapaun called time out. Hurley played in from midcourt ... and Shellenberger was to do or die. Stymied by the alert Norse, he had to slip it to Jerry Love. And undaunted by a dozen consecutive bad shots, Jerry sank the one that counted most.