1958 Kapaun Senior Trip
Washington DC

Most pictures thanks to Jerry Aaron

Led by Mr. Bradley, Chaplin Kapaun High School sponsored a Spring Senior Trip to Washington DC. Those making the trip were Jerry Aaron, Don Adams, Daniel Ast, Philip Benway, Mike Black, Vic Bonat, Joe Crawley, Tom Crissman, Ron Dreiling, Mike Egan, Dick Eggleston, John Elting, Douglas Fairbanks, Gary Grove, Chuck Harren, Mike Harris, Charles Haen, Ken Hein, Tom Jerrick, Tim Hurley, John Hutchinson, John Koester, Roscoe Little, Tim Melcher, Philip Michler, Keith Motley, Bob Munden, Jim O'Donnell, Stan Orth, Gerald Peay, Mike Quinn, Dave Remmert, Anthony Rossito, John Sattgast, Larry Shellenberger, Gary Smith, Paul Swope, Don Tucker, Henry Welch, and Ed Wiesen. Forty students plus Mr. Bradley made a bus load.

The Trip

We stopped for lunch in Kansas City and then pushed on to St. Louis.

We stopped for the night at the Melbourne Hotel. Saint Louis University purchased the hotel in 1960 and it became Rogers Hall, a second women's residence. Around 1970, it went coed briefly before becoming Jesuit Hall in 1973. Some of the "mostly peaceful" youthful rowdiness began that evening. The next morning, after a short tour of St. Louis University, it was back on the bus for the long ride to Washington DC.

More of the rowdiness may have splilled over to the bus ride.


We had a brief stop in beautiful downtown Terre Haute, Indiana and were allowed to "stretch our legs" a bit and have lunch. The rest of the trip was long and uneventful, with a stop for dinner somewhere in Maryland.

We eventually reached Washington and were shown to our rooms at Georgetown University.

As guests of Georgetown University, we were housed in a university dormitory during our stay. The University was on Spring Break at the time.

The Capitol Arlington
Arlington Mount Vernon
The next day we visited most of the usual DC tourist attractions.
Aaron Crissman Hutchinson
On the Capitol Steps
We even visited the Capitol and Senator Andrew Schoeppel.

Coke, Drugs, Cigars, Pharma...and

The four Amigos - Hien, Aaron, Shellenberger, Hutchinson

We were able to spend some quality time in downtown DC.

The bus ride back to Wichita was long and tiring. We only stopped for bathroom breaks and meals.

As a result of the "mostly peaceful" harmless youthful rowdiness, Kapaun did not sponsor another senior trip for years - if ever.